Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm BACK round 2......

Hello! Well, I have decided that I need to get back into the swing of things with this blog. For a few reasons that is:

1. I actually have a life now! Well, I say that, I won't in about 2 months, but that is reason #2. I am DONE with school and have started work! For those who don't know what I am doing, I am a Trauma nurse at JPS in FW and so far, I LOVE IT!!! I really love that full time is 3 days, then I'm off for 4. I will admit, work is a bit overrated, but when you are finally doing your dream, everything works out! Plus, Ray is super excited that I am back to work!

2. Baby girl #2 will be here on September 17! WOW!! Actually typing that down is full reality, and I need to get to business! We don't have a name 100% yet, but I will let you know when we do! I will also post a few pics of me and this prego belly soon. I have actually been able to keep up with weekly pictures and updating my weekly book for this sweet girl. I told myself just because it is baby #2, she will at least get that. It also helps me to compare #1 with #2. Let's just say, they are WAY different!! With all of this spare time (HA!), I need to paint her room and get ready for her arrival. I know what I want to do with her room, just haven't quite made it there yet.

3. I just want everyone to keep up with us the best they can when #2 gets here! I am really bad about posting pics lately b/c I usually print or but what I want, and forget that other people probably want to see them too! So, I am making myself keep this updated as much as I can. Plus, we can't forget about my sweet Campbell that is SOOOO excited about her baby sister. She is really going to be the main updates for awhile, because she is so darn cute, and REALLY FUNNY!!!

So, I will leave you for now, and will be back with some pics over the last few months and what we have been doing! There is a lot going on, and can't wait to share with everyone!!!

**Oh, and I'm trying to update the cuteness of my blog and need help!  I need a header, and the background to be a color, and other fun stuff.  If you can help, please do!!

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