Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What's been going on...

Here are some pics of what has been going on at our house! We have been swimming like crazy. I got Campbell this life jacket and it is great! She gets too brave and just jumps in the pool without warning, so safety is best!! If you need a jacket, I recommend this one. The little swimmies are "illegal" at our pool, so this allows them to swim just as freely!

Ray and I got Campbell a fish! She has been asking for a cat for awhile now. I have thought and thought about it, and if you know me, you know how I feel about cats. So, we have ended up with a fish! Campbell picked Ariel out and helped Daddy put her house together. She is so excited to have her and tells her good night every night and sweet dreams. I hope that this lovely Betta lives as long as everyone else that has one has lived!

This is the best purchase that we have made in a long time!! I mean, she LOVES this thing! It is really funny when she is jumping b/c she wants to sing songs and count. Well, I think it is hard to do 2 things at one time b/c she can't remember the orders of alphabet or counting when she is jumping so hard. She skips around and gets mixed up. When she stops jumping, she is back on track and counts to 20! Love it!! Campbell likes to get one last jump in before it is time to go to bed! Hours of fun and she has only fallen off of it once!

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